Can I Study While on Maternity Leave in Australia?


Maternity leave is a crucial time for new mothers to bond with their newborns and adjust to their new role as a parent. However, it is also a period where some women may feel the desire to continue their education and pursue personal or professional development. In this article, we explore whether it is possible to study while on maternity leave in Australia and how it can be managed effectively.

The Legality of Studying During Maternity Leave

Under Australian law, maternity leave is a protected period for new mothers to take time off work and care for their child. The Fair Work Act 2009 guarantees the right to maternity leave for eligible employees. However, there are no specific provisions regarding studying during this period. It is essential to consult your employer and review your employment agreement to determine if studying is permitted during maternity leave.

Benefits of Studying During Maternity Leave

Studying during maternity leave can offer several advantages for new mothers. Firstly, it allows them to maintain intellectual stimulation and continue their personal growth. Additionally, pursuing education during this time can enhance future career prospects and provide a sense of accomplishment and empowerment.

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Choosing the Right Course

When considering studying during maternity leave, it is crucial to select a course that aligns with your interests, goals, and available time. Opting for flexible online courses or part-time programs can provide the necessary flexibility to balance study commitments with childcare responsibilities.

Time Management

Managing time effectively is key to successfully juggling both studying and caring for a newborn. Establishing a routine that incorporates dedicated study periods while the baby is sleeping or being cared for by a partner or family member can help ensure productive study sessions. It is important to be realistic about the amount of time that can be dedicated to studying without compromising the well-being of yourself or your child.

Support System

During maternity leave, having a strong support system is crucial. Reach out to family, friends, or support groups who can help with childcare duties, allowing you to dedicate time to studying. Additionally, consider joining online communities or forums of fellow mothers who are also studying, as they can provide valuable advice and support.

Financial Considerations

While on maternity leave, it is important to assess the financial implications of pursuing further education. Studying may incur additional costs, including course fees, textbooks, and materials. Evaluate your budget and explore potential financial assistance options such as scholarships or government funding programs.

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Returning to Work

Once your maternity leave period is over, you may be eager to return to work or explore new job opportunities. Completing a course during your time off can enhance your resume, showcase your commitment to personal development, and increase your chances of securing a desirable position.


Studying while on maternity leave in Australia is possible, but it requires careful planning, time management, and open communication with your employer. By choosing the right course, managing your time effectively, and seeking support from your network, you can successfully balance the responsibilities of motherhood with personal growth and educational pursuits. Remember to consult your employer and review your employment agreement to ensure that studying during maternity leave aligns with your workplace policies. Ultimately, this period can be an opportunity for self-improvement and empowerment, setting the stage for a bright future.

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About the Author: Sce Hoshino